Man.Lately I have just been EXHAUSTED.I think I'm just in a recovery mode right now though.
Yep.Five seconds of jubilation and then fifteen minutes of worry and back slapping.'Cause that's how you make moments memorable.
Ah.Is there any better way to begin your day?Surely not.
Sadly, my week didn't end until about twenty minutes ago.And technically, it's now Monday of next week.
It's getting easier and easier for me to just......phase out.
Even so, I feel a certain amount of camaraderie with Discovery Channel now that I know we're in the same age group.
I want winter back.Please?
Oh I had so much fun in Portland!But I really am quite busy now.
I hate my dogs.Seriously.And after that night, I'm fairly sure the feeling is mutual.I'm not kidding. They barked ALL NIGHT.And my cat......don't even get me started.
(Ugh, it really messes with me when blogger won't let me post on time, but moving on...)Phoenix Comicon was GREAT!Although a few convention veterans were telling me it wasn't a normal show. Having only been to a few as a professional, I don't yet know what passes for 'normal.'It did however keep me busy all weekend.